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A Note from Dad

 Hi Friends,

With you, we welcome this New Year with hope and anticipation! While none of us know exactly where 2021 will lead us, we do know that the eternal God, who is everywhere, will already be "on location" wherever our journeys may take us. Jesus said, "I am with you always...!"

2020 was an exceptional year for Stacey, me and our family. We are so grateful for God's grace and mercy throughout. I have felt very good in spite of the cancer diagnosis.

In mid December, I received news that the treatments I had received for the past 20 months had diminished in effectiveness. Consequently, on January 7 another treatment plan will be initiated that involves chemotherapy and likely localized radiation on an as needed basis. 

We are so grateful for thoughts, prayers and every expression of faith, hope and love received on this journey. I continue to live in the joyful freedom of Psalm 31:15: "My times are in your hands, O Lord."

Richest blessings to you and yours as we enter this New Year together!


  1. Thx so much for sharing ur journey with us. Please know that u are being covered with prayer 24/7 - oftentimes by others, always by the Lord.

  2. Father God, let your will be done and your kingdom come in our brother and Pastor's life, his body, soul and spirit. We rest confidently in Your power, wisdom and goodness Father God, knowing nothing is impossible for our God. In Jesus's Name aaaaamen.

  3. Thank you for the update David. I join with the hundreds of other members of our family in Christ who are holding you before his throne of grace. The way you Stacey and your family are processing this trial in life is a great encouragement to all of us who know you David. We are requesting God’s divine intervention and complete healing from every cancerous cell in your body for the glory and honour of His name.

  4. Love you guys! So thankful for your lives, and how you live out your faith each day no matter the obstacles. We love you and will be praying for you and the days ahead.

  5. Blessings and prayers
    Don & Carol Rogers

  6. Thank you for the update David. We are frustrated with you, but not shaken. Just so you know, we love you and praying for you every day.

  7. I just watched your YouTube sermon, again, where you're a guest speaker, asking the question "Where Do You Come From?" How wonderful it is for us to know, from the heart of God we came, to the heart of God we shall return! See you at the Banquet! Until then, may God's book remain open, and his great plans for you be done. Be blessed. Terri, Gerald and Adam Loewen (Evangel kin 🙂) 🙌✝️

  8. God is our sure foundation. Thank you for being an example of faith and perseverance. I said a prayer for you this morning. Thankful we serve a God of hope and peace.


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