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Lead well.

We’ve hit a steep part of the climb. We found out most of this news on Wednesday, April 24th. You're finding out now because nothing was conclusive and Dad wanted all the i's dotted and t's crossed before sharing anything.

His cancer is stage 4, aggressive and, according to doctors, not curable. It's in both lungs and also in his spine. The doctors are doing what they can to give us as much time as possible.

This is hard news. Yes. But I need to tell you about when we received the news, as his children, on Wednesday, April 24th.

Everything I just shared with you was shared with us that night. Mom and Dad expressed great thankfulness for the kindness they had received at the hospital and they told us about the wonderful doctor and compassionate nurse. And then Dad, thorough his tears but with deep conviction, said:

"You need to know that Christianity is true. Mom and I haven't given our lives to the cause of Christ on a whim. Jesus is alive. Everything He said is true. I am feeling great human emotion in all of this but I have great peace. I am not shaken. I have hope that God can do anything.”

When we finished the call I looked at my husband and said, "he has led our family so well through our lives and he is still leading well. I want to lead like that. Oh God, may we lead like that."

This post is for our pastors and fathers and mothers and leaders. Lead well. Lead with the conviction and the power of the Holy Spirit filling you to overflowing. Lead in the face of the impossible knowing that with God it's all possible. Because it's all true.

Dad's been in and out of the hospital getting tests, scans, biopsies done so the doctors have a better idea for a treatment plan. In true Dad style, it's all been a 'Papi Party' (Papi is what the grandkids call him). We had hoped to go to the cottage as a family this past weekend but more tests sent him to the hospital. My sister, Beth, and brother, Luke, had a campfire in the room instead :)

A later text to the family from Luke said:
Dad has other people's family members in his room visiting. #typicaldad

We all chuckled. Yes. Typical dad. Bringing people into his journey no matter where the journey has taken him thus far. Embracing and praying for people who are hurting no matter how much he is hurting himself. I can only think that it's because it's all true that he can lead like that.

On Thursday, May 2 we will be fasting and praying and we invite you to join us.

But today, my prayer is for you: Lead well.


  1. Thank you for keeping us up to date with David's health. He is a strong man who has raised a strong family .Love to you all
    Lorrie and Ken

  2. What a beautiful glimpse into the man we know and love here at the office. Yes, leading well is so vital because it is true. Praying and standing with you in the journey. Love to all! Dwayne and Jodey Hutchings

  3. What a blessing your mom and dad are to so many people over so many years. My 95-year-old father thinks of David as one of his best friends!! Your mom and dad have been so supportive to Shelley and I as well. A mentor and impact player in my life that’s for sure. Will be praying on Thursday for a complete healing across the board.

  4. I met Daveid at Bible college 38 years ago. I have only seen him once since then but we have shared on facebook several times. He is right Jesus is alive and when you know Him death has no more sting, it is only a open door into His presence. God can certainly heal David but if He doesn't it is because it was his time to go home...and david knows that...and His attitude proves it. Love you brother Dave.

  5. Thanks for the update. David we are continuing to pray with and for you!!! Much love from Smiths Falls. The Birley's xo

  6. Well spoken and God is with you, to be sure! Our prayers are with your Dad & Mom, and the family as you all traverse this challenging journey together. Your Dad is a good and godly man and leader. We have been blessed to have him in our PAOC on our PAOC Executive Leadership Team for so many years. And it has been a blessing for us to call him a friend. Love, prayers, and blessings, Darrell & Vanessa Peregrym

  7. Such a moving update. Thank you for sharing your vital faith with everyone. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. John and Nancy Engels

  8. Very shocking, to say the least. But I hear the faith you are all expressing and the trust that somehow God has this all in his hands and in my head I agree. But my heart is still processing this and all I can truly say right now is that my heart breaks for you all and goes out to Dave along with my prayers. Hang in there everyone!

  9. With you in prayer for multiplied peace, strength and healing. There are many of us that feel the weight of what you're facing and know that God is able to be present in all things.

  10. Thank you for being so open and sharing this journey with us. We uphold your family in prayer and join you on Thursday to fast and pray for dad. We know without a shadow of a doubt that our Lord Jesus can do exceedingly, abundantly more than we can even imagine or hope for. He is the God of the impossible. Love Brian and Sabrina Foerster

  11. God is a God of miracles. I can't help to be reminded of a recent movie I saw, "Breakthrough". I will also Fast.
    Can I also tell you about a natural remedy that cures cancer. It's called SOURSOP TEA. Many people have taken it. I have done my research about it . People who have had stage 4 cancer drank 4 cup a day for a month and have walked away cancer free. God has given us many things we can use to treat us. Doctors and naturopath Dr alike. May God's Healing and wisdom be with you and family.

  12. Wow! sad to hear this shocking news, but glad to hear about the Peace he is experiencing. Carol went through a cancer issue about 6 years ago and very much identifies with that Peace which she also experienced.
    We join with you for Divine intervention in God's own amazing way. We are called to His purpose and brother David has his faith firmly placed in Christ who is leading the way. His Word is a lamp which does not usually let us see far ahead, but enough light for the next step or two.

  13. How we process bad news probably says more about our faith than how we process good news. Faith is always proven more in the night time than it is in the daylight. I think that many of us want to get angry at someone, maybe even God, for what is happening to you while at the same time wanting to throw ourselves at the feet of the only ONE who has the power and capacity to help us face the reality of what is rather than what we want it to be. So while we cannot journey with you in totality, know there are thousands who will be praying and caring and crying for you.

  14. Such a beautiful piece of a family heart, here for us in writing.
    David is loved by people around the whole wide world, and we are grateful for your willingness to let us into this part of his story, to let us witness his leadership even now, and to be inspired by the unstoppable part of his life. Please let your mom and dad know that Peter and I are sending love to them, as well as to the whole family.
    Pat and Peter DeWit

  15. Wow what a testimony of your dads faith and God's faithfulness. My heart breaks for all of you as walk this path. I will be fasting and praying with you on Thursday and will continue to lift all of you up in prayer to our God.

  16. Thank you for keeping us posted. I prqyed to God for His perfect will to be done in him and us all. I also thank God for giving us a true servant. God bless you all
    From ACTS Church Lloydminster

  17. Thank you for the touching update. I am shaken up trying to process this, but I am still standing with you all to see what our Lord is doing through this man of God, David (my friend/pastor) who has been an incredible role model to me over the years. He is the reason I am back in school today, hoping one day to stand beside him. "When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him." (Is 59:19b). Our hearts are with you, praying! Love from Joshua, Annie, Nicolette & Judah

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. The first time I heard the name David Hazzard, I was at Northwest Pentecostal Bible College, now Vanguard College and Professor Dale Reesor was our class examples of great leadership--he used Pastor Hazzard a lot. Professor Dale Reesor was an associate Pastor with him at Evangel Assembly in Edmonton.
    Now that I am in ministry and a pastor for the past 10-12 years, I think often of some of the times David Hazzard was used as an example and how I strive to fashion my ministry in such a way that I do his example justice.
    I got to meet Pastor Hazzard a couple of times now, at different conferences, he is exactly as he was explained. Humble, caring, strong, and an example of how to lead and lead well.
    I know this news, diagnosis is not the best, but I also know, as do you, that God is in control, God can do exceeding and above what we ask or think, and above all, God will use this to draw men, women and children to himself, no matter what the earthly outcome is!!
    I pray for healing, but more than that, I pray for God's will to be complete. May God's peace, comfort, and strength be to the Hazzard family and may Pastor David continue to lead well and be encouraged, strengthened and uplifted. God's got this, stand back and be amazed at what the Lord can do!!
    Melvin Wheaton, Glace Bay, NS

  20. I am heart broken over the news but am praying daily and trusting God for miracle!

  21. "What shall we say, then, to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?. Today we speak to these things in David's body. Jesus spoke to the tempest- and it stilled (Mt 8:26). He spoke to the fig tree, and it withered (Mt 21:19).

  22. You are loved deeply as a family and we lift you up this morning in the name of Jesus, every one of you and your children as you takes in each hour, each day. May God grant you strength,, wisdom and the gift of presence to have exactly what is needed. I ask that the Holy Spirit will wrap his presence around your entire family like a soft blank at those family fires �� and speak unspeakable deep to you. Lots of love always. Wendy

  23. Praying to the only living and wise God who is able to all things exceedingly abundantly above whatever we can ask regarding this situation - He knows all and is in the midst of all circumstances. He has moved seas and walls and healed even the dead. Is anything too hard for Him? We are trusting God's very present hand to move powerfully in David,'s physical being and that His grace, comfort and peace will be with David's personal family and the PAOC family. To God be the glory - He has and is and will do great things!!

  24. Thank you for sharing your journey with us! We have faced a similar one and know God's goodness and faithfulness. God is good! He does all things well and we will daily hold you all up in prayer. David, you walk with our Father!

  25. My prayer for you Rev. is taken from Jeremiah 17:14 "Heal me, O Lord and I shall be healed; Save me, and I shall be saved. For You are my praise" Standing with you in prayers. Roslyn and Alfred Ochieng.

  26. You Family at Living Word Assembly of God is praying for you and with you

  27. I will be praying tomorrow with you and dont ever forget, You all have tons of support.

  28. So sorry to hear this news . I will be praying for David every day and we have him on our prayer list at church. I am shock to hear that . I am a survivor of breast cancer so I can relate to what you are going through. May the Lord be your peace and strength . Please keep us posted . Praying and believing for a miracle .

    1. Pat Farrer So sorry to hear the news I will be praying as stated in the above commend . Our church is praying for David for his healing .

  29. Hey Jordon, Michelle and I be praying and fasting with you all today. You Dad is a gift that so many of us have come to share.

    Courage and hope for the coming days.

    Matt and Michelle Lear

    Not sure if you've read The Last Arrow.

  30. Hi David and family. We are thinking and praying for you. We have been blessed so many times by your ministry. Our church is also praying for you.
    Luc and Valerie Poirier

  31. Praying for Stacey, David, all family and those who walk closely with them during this
    Brenda and Pierre Sauve

  32. Had the great pleasure many summers in Lion's Head to worship at The Country Church with your Dad, Mom and the family. Loved you all then, love you more now because I can so relate to your strong emotions and feelings right now. This is very had indeed, but how I love your Dad's outlook and faith and encouraging all of us at such a time in his life. We all know and appreciate God's Word and it does not return to him void but will accomplish what it is sent to do as many scripture in previous notes attest to. We are praying and asking for Pastor Hazzard's healing. Our love to the whole family.

  33. In my thoughts and prayers daily. Thank you for sharing and it was great to be part of our Mission Canada conference in Mississauga where pastor David Hazzard shared a great message that has inspired me till this day. May God continue to strengthen you with His love and joy.

    Anna Morgante'

  34. Having been through a similar cancer journey with my Dad & Mom, I am praying not just for your Dad, but for your whole family that God will give you strength, wisdom and peace (along with joy that comes not because of our circumstances, but because we know God is with us in the midst of our circumstances).

    Not only is Christianity true, but I was so often reminded that God cares about the little details. Even when the big picture sometimes isn't going the way we want, He gives us so many little confirmations that He is there when we look for them.

    Jai Reid

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. David
    My heart ached when I heard the news. Immediately I started praying and putting you on my prayer chains.
    You have been one of my favourite pastors. Both John and I were blessed to sit under your ministry as you faithfully proclaimed God’s Word.
    You are a true shepherd to your flock. I think back to when you would sit with your grieving church families through every visitation. Then when John passed away, in spite of your heavy schedule you came to the celebration of life for him. That meant so much to me.
    John loved you dearly and valued your friendship as do I.
    We will never forget when we came home from BC for vacation that you came between meetings to take us out for lunch. You were so thoughtful.
    We missed you when you left Queensway to enter your new role in head office. You were a great loss to the church as you ministered in wisdom and compassion
    Know I will continue to pray for you, and your family as you walk this difficult journey. We know you will never be alone as God walks hand in hand with you.
    Love and prayers
    Jean Anderson

  37. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  38. My deepest love and prayers 🙏❤


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