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Taste and See.

How sweet good news tastes! That was my exact thought last week when I heard that friends of mine (who had been trying for a while) were pregnant. In the midst of tasting some of life's bitter herbs, the goodness of life just tasted that much sweeter.

This past week our family has been tasting the goodness of God and of life, and we are so grateful!

On Friday, May 10th the girls (minus the two youngest) celebrated Mother's Day with our annual high tea outing.

On Saturday, May 11th we all celebrated Dr. Rev. Dad graduating and receiving his Doctorate of Ministry! Dr. Mark Chapman and his wife, Mary, were kind enough to come to the house as Dad was not strong enough to attend the ceremony and still needed to be on oxygen—unless he was getting his picture taken ;).

Today (Wednesday, May 15) marks five days since Dad started targeted treatment. Gratefully, he has been responding very well. We recognize that it could be a combination of factors but, first and foremost, we praise God for His grace as we continue to lift Dad up in prayer. As of today, Dad is almost pain free (great reduction in pain medication) and he is off oxygen support. He and I took a little road trip to the office and Dad was able to attend a meeting and take care of some other business.

As I reflect on this past week I cannot help but draw parallels to the gospel.

When God commanded the Israelites to eat the Passover lamb with unleavened bread and bitter herbs (Exodus 12:8), He was foreshadowing how we can only fully appreciate what Christ did on the cross if we can also taste the bitterness of our sin.

How His grace overwhelms when we feel the weight of our sin. How far reaching His love when we see how far we have strayed. How mighty His power when we realize what He has saved us from.

Taste and see that the Lord is good... (Psalm 34:8)


  1. We praise God for every victorious step along the journey. We will continue to pray you.

  2. Thankful, grateful and praying

  3. Congratulations Dr Rev David! Your work is needed and will continue to touch lives. Good to see you back at the office where you belong. Thank you Lord!

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