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He is good.

When Dad called us to tell us that he had been diagnosed with lung cancer, we were all in a state of shock. At the end of the call, my brother, Josh, prayed and thanked God for who He is and that we can trust Him with anything. When talking with my sister, Beth, she shared that she had been praying that we would want above all else the Healer, not the healing, and the Saviour, not the saving. It's not what we hold on to in this journey, but who.

My response is usually to write something so I wrote a poem:

I know you are good
It's all that I know
Everything else is uncertain
Your goodness is sure
Your love surrounds me
Your peace is secure
You hold me in the storm
You hide me in your arms
I'm fixed to you—not going anywhere
You will never let me go
For you are good

No one in our family thinks that our journey is the only one. Many of you reading this have walked a similar, or harder, path and have your own stories to tell. Our story is one of many. Our prayer is that our story connects with yours and brings hope, life and encouragement to your heart. We don't know what the future holds but we know who holds the future. And He is good.

Posted by: Jordan Hageman


  1. May God keep you in peace and heal you. Courage!

    padre Michel Martin

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Praying for your total healing and full recovery. We want you to get back on stage with David and Murray in our conferences. We believe God will do that. Your election and re-dedication in Victoria, BC are still fresh in my memory. God knows that and He will honor you accordingly. Our church, our prayer team and the Maritime District Prayer team are praying for you & for your family. – Balan Swaminathan, District Prayer Coordinator

  4. Holding you and your family in thought and prayer. God will not leave you or forsake you.
    Marj Pettinger

  5. Jordan, you write like David lives - with grace and favor. Believing and praying for a miraculous, breakthrough story to unfold in David's life. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Bro David, we will be praying fervently for you. We are believing for a powerful healing from God. Pastor David Ripley, Grace Christian Fellowship.

  7. David, my friend. The church in Vanuatu is praying.

  8. Margaret and I shall commit to prayer for all of you as your journey unfolds. The Lord is present in the known and the unknown.

  9. Praying for you Hazzard family!!!

  10. David, I wake up to this news in the Philippines on the morning I am going to teach on healing to a class of pastors and Christian leaders. We will pray for you and be assured that Liz and I will keep you in our prayers throughout the journey. Rainer

  11. We are praying for God's encouragement, strength and healing. We thank God for you life and ministry David!

    Dave and Beth Slater

  12. Thinking and praying for everyone.

    Love from the Birkin Family (Chatham)

  13. Yes, we do have a similar journey/story. But we also serve the same God and believe the same way! David, Stacey, Jordan, Josh, Bethany, Luke, and families - We are standing with you and believing for a supernatural healing! Our God is able! Yes, HE IS GOOD - ALL THE TIME especially in the midst of these darkest of valleys here. Peace and comfort to each of your hearts! He's got each of you. It's okay to be angry, upset, sad, etc. He understands all of that too! He's our loving Heavenly Father. His love is immeasurable for each one.

    We are also believing with you for wisdom and strength for EVERY DECISION (health-related and otherwise) that needs to be made. He's got your back!

    Mama was a winner whether she was healed earth-side or heaven-side. She was excited for eternity. She is now truly living like never before with her Savior. She has been raised from death (earth-side) to eternal life with Christ. We miss her but know that we do not grieve as those who have no hope. We look forward with great anticipation to a wonderful reunion! I feel the closest to her when worshipping the Lord as I know that she is doing the same.

    Blessings to you each one!

    Joy-Grace Wright-Caldwell (previously Lonergan)

  14. Praying for your Dad and you all the Shepherds. 29 years ago your Mom and Dad walked through cancer with me. We have a wonderful big God ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

  15. The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new EVERY MORNING; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23 (ESV)

  16. My prayers echo so many others, but there is power in the prayers of God's people. So we join as one for our friend, classmate and leader. You are not alone on your journey. We kneel in the Spirit's Presence on your behalf.

  17. Praying for you David. I've walked on some of this path and God has done great things. He's the Great Physician and Specialist in miracles. Love you Dave. Wayne

    1. Wayne Hilsden wrote this the previous comment.

  18. You are in our prayers David. I will have the church family pray for you together in the morning.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Praying for your Dad and the family that you and he would know that we are walking this journey with him. He has been faithful and God will honour his faithfulness....Blessings.

  21. Praying for your Dad and the family that you and he would know that we are walking this journey with him. He has been faithful and God will honour his faithfulness....Blessings.

  22. Oh Jordan, You guys have always been one of our favourite families. Bethany's words really spoke to me. Please know that we will keep tracking your journey and praying for your entire family. Hugs! The Gauvreaus

  23. Will keep David and your family in prayer.

  24. David:
    Please be assured of our prayers.
    Ruth McAlister let us know of the turn in your health and immediately you became lodged in our thoughts and prayers.
    May hope propel you, peace settle you and the love of Christ Jesus ever assure you He is near.
    In high regard of your witness and life example.
    With affection,
    John and Debbie Deacon

  25. Dear Bro. David. We join in prayer for you. Amidst the storms of Life, God is at work.

  26. Praying for healing, comfort and the Peace that passes all understanding, today.

  27. Dear David and Family: Know that you are loved by so many! Polly and I will be remembering you in prayer, that He will bring strength, joy and yes, even laughter at this time of battle. May the Lord truly bring you the strength you need, and the peace only the Holy Spirit can bestow for these times.
    Doug Torrance/Rev Polly Marks-Torrance

  28. Praying for David’s healing and for continued strength for the family as you walk this road together. The Hazzard family has a high place in our hearts and we will be praying for you all (especially today) from coast to coast ❤️๐Ÿ™

  29. Dear David and family, we are with you in prayers and love.
    We praise God for your faith and trust in the Lord.
    May His presence conforts and strengthens the whole family
    I look up to the mountains—does my help come from there?
    My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth!
    He will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will not slumber.
    Indeed, he who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps. (Ps. 121)

    Gรฉrald Emery, Gatineau QC


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